Desk Vietnam

Desk Vietnam

Of Counsel, Dornbach GmbH, Germany

  • Qualified German Tax Advisor / Certified Advisor in International Taxation
  • Degree Diplom-Kaufmann from University of Saarbrucken (Prof. Dr. Küting, Prof. Dr. Kußmaul) in 1999
  • At the same time a diploma from the École Supérieure de Commerce, Lyon, after a year of study in France
  • 4 years of experience as a research assistant at Chair of Business Administration, in particular in the area of business taxation of Saarland University (Director: Prof. Dr. Kußmaul)
  • PhD (Dr. rer. oec.) in 2003
  • Tax advisor exam in 2005
  • Specialist Advisor for International Tax Law in 2008
  • Working for DORNBACH since 2005, currently as Of Counsel
  • Leading the DORNBACH Centre of Excellence for International Tax Law
  • Lecturer at Saarland University on International Tax Law since 2009
  • Appointed Honorary Professor at Saarland University in the field of business administration in 2015
  • Specialisation International Tax Law / Cross-border restructuring / Relocation of private individuals and entrepreneurs into and out of Germany / Cross-border employment

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